Shipwrecked MMF creampie

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

May 16, 2014

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Chapter 34: The Hahonokoans and the Stowaway

Chapter Cast:

Kal, Male, 36
- Narrator, disaster survivor and castaway
- 6'1, 190lbs, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair
Bailey, Female, 13
- Disaster survivor and castaway
- 5'2, 110lbs, golden-brown tanned skin, shoulder-length light yellow-brown sun-streaked hair
Keekah, Female, 14
- daughter of Manu, sister of Hakee and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'3, 125lbs, mocha-brown skin, waist-length mostly-straight black hair
Gale, Female, 42
- Survivor on Isla Gale
- 5'5, 130lbs, dark tanned skin, waist-length dark reddish-brown hair
Manu, Female, 31
- Survivor from Hahonoko, mother of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie, aunt of Poln
- 5'5, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Hakee, Female, 17
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'9, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Mie, Female, 11
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Hakee, cousin of Poln
- 4'7, 85lbs, mocha-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy black hair
Poln, Male, 10
- Survivor from Hahonoko, nephew of Manu, cousin of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie
- 4'7, 100lbs, mocha-brown skin, short, wavy dark-brown hair
Hona, Female, 28
- Survivor from Hahonoko, friend of Manu
- 5'2, 155lbs, dark-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Tok, Male, 34
- Survivor from Hahonoko, friend of Manu
- 6'3, 205lbs, brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Amy, Female, 15
- Stowaway from California
- 5'6, 115lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length straight black hair

It was a very long, soggy night under the shelter of the raft. The rain and wind tore across the island, partnered with thunder and lightning that hammered our ears and eyes. We heard trees shatter and break. At one point I thought I smelled smoke. All night, Bailey and I shivered and held each other for warmth and assurance.

Just before dawn the storm finally broke, and almost as soon as it ended, the skies to the South cleared and unveiled a million shining stars. We emerged exhausted from our shelter.

The boat had survived, somehow. It bobbed like it had taken on a measurable amount of water, but it floated. Its anchor had held and it never tested the rope tied to the tree. I looked back at the island and couldn't believe it didn't look worse.

There were limbs down everywhere, but I saw only two slender trees that had fallen. Debris of leaves and dead fish were all over the sand, but otherwise, that end of the island seemed to have done better than I expected.

We hurried to untie the raft and raced back to the camp. The scene there was similar. A couple of downed trees and debris scattered, but in the early morning light, the boat looked intact and only a rail that had been crushed by a heavy limb showed that it had taken any damage.

I climbed to the deck and opened the cabin door. Inside, on the bed, I found five sleeping people, none of them Gale or Keekah. No one stirred, so I closed the door and wondered briefly where the others had hidden.

I opened the rear hatch and called down quietly. Gale's voice answered and in moments she had joined me on the deck. We hugged tightly a moment. She said, “Kal... we were so worried about you two. That storm... well, that was a strong one... when you didn't come back... Oh, we were worried! What happened?”

After giving her a quick rehash of what Bailey and I had been through, I asked about Keekah. Gale nodded toward the hatch, “sleeping, finally. We used a couple of old containers to make a platform and threw some clothing down for a mattress. Not great, but it worked. Keekah's down there with Hakee and the stowaway. She was distraught, kept crying for you and for Bailey. I think she finally fell asleep toward the end of the storm. Let's let her sleep awhile. Oh, Bailey!”

My young wife had climbed to the deck and squeezed Gale lovingly. Gale looked exhausted but also overjoyed to see Bailey. It had been a long night for everyone, but we had managed to survive.

Gale roused a fire while Bailey and I set out to gather food for breakfast. We had seven new mouths to feed, and though they may have brought some food with them, I had no doubt that our stores would suffer greatly if we didn't immediately start collecting more.

An hour later, I had pulled in a dozen small crabs and Bailey had two bucket of scallops. Gale made a quick soup base while I picked the meat out of the crabs and Bailey dropped fat scallops into the pot. Before long, we had a fantastic meal ready for the eleven survivors now living on our island.

I hadn't had much time to think about what came next. The night of trying to live through the storm made the logistics of surviving with seven new people seem relatively easy. Food would be an issue no matter what we did, but so long as everyone contributed, and we didn't overfish the beach, we should be able to thrive as a group.

The dynamics of our family relationship seemed harder to deal with. What would Manu say when she found out I'd been having sex with her daughter, as had Bailey and Gale? Would anyone object, possibly violently, to the relationships the four of us shared? What of the new young ones that were amongst us, how would we explain things to them?

Questions swirled in my weary head as Tok quietly joined us at the fire. Gale greeted him, and he appeared to return the sentiment, continuing to speak for some time. Gale told me, “Tok thanks us for sheltering them last night. They would not have survived in the boat. He asks after the boat.”

“Tell him it is safe, though possibly soggy, still afloat and anchored around the East end of the island. I'll take him down there and see what we can do to recover it after breakfast.”

Gale conveyed my thoughts and gave me his reply. “He thanks you, says that they have been through this before, on the last island. They ask if we will welcome them here.” Her eyes looked like she, too, was asking.

I said to her, “Hmm... I suppose the four of us should really talk about that, shouldn't we. Not that I want to turn them away, but I have begun to think of this as our island... Tell him we will do what we can to ensure they are safe and well fed for now. Something like that. I'm tired. Make it sound nicer than I just did.”

Tok accepted whatever she said and smiled at me for the first time, shook my hand, eyed the soup like he was eager to try it. He spoke and Gale asked, “Tok wonders what he can do to help right now. Shall I send him to collect downed limbs?”


Tok was soon hustling toward the trees, bringing back armloads of wet but valuable wood to our pile. I leaned into Gale, told her, “whatever you did last night to care for everyone, thank you. That was a helluva dangerous situation, I wasn't sure where everyone would fit.”

Bailey added, “yeah, we were pretty scared...”

Gale hugged her, said, “well, I did what I could.”

I asked, “get any more of their story? Anything from the stowaway?”

“The girl hasn't spoken. She drank her tea but refused to eat peanut butter we offered her. No one was aware she was on the boat, no idea when or where she got on. They packed up a couple of weeks ago on a small island South of here, didn't think there was anyway she got on there.”

She continued, “As to the rest... They are all from Keekah's village of Hahonoko. They aren't sure what is going on in the greater world, but a few months ago, refugees arrived from several islands to the South, reporting uprisings and revolution and invading armies. No one is exactly sure who or where. The refugees overwhelmed the village and the greater island and soon fighting broke out there as well.

“Keekah's father was killed at that time, fighting to protect the village. The Hahonokoans held out and survived after many were slain. They started storing supplies and preserving food, expecting the fighting to return. Instead, mosquito-like bugs moved in. After a few days, some people got very sick. Nothing helped, and many more died. Not everyone seemed to be affected, but it killed over half the surviving population of the village.

“Manu and her children, and a few hundred others, fled the pestilence and headed West, island jumping until they got to their last stop, thought they had found a refuge finally. The bugs landed there a few weeks later and killed more. Few were left, and those that could make it left that island a couple of weeks ago... and now, a few of them are here... There's really not much more. They are a fairly primitive group. Intelligent, but not plugged into the rest of the world. Kinda like us, I suppose...”

I was silent a while, considering several things at once. Bailey spoke first. “Are we going to let them live here with us?”

I looked at Gale, asking her opinion with my eyes. “I don't know how we tell them no, Kal. I mean, how could we turn them away? Many of them are Keekah's family, and children... They have to be allowed to stay... we'll figure out the shelter and the food and... well, and our relationships... later. They need help, and for now, that means taking them in and helping them ourselves. At least until the bugs reach us...”

I nodded. “Part of me wants to be selfish and tell you that we don't have enough here, that this is our island not theirs, that we'd found a calm, private, sensual life of our own before they arrived... but just a small part of me. Your logic and compassion are well coupled, Gale, and I agree with your decision. Bailey?”

She agreed, “yeah... I want to help them...”

“So... we'll have to work out some things... about us... about Keekah... We don't know how they'll react to the four of us... being intimate...”

Bailey looked angry. “I'm not going to hide how I feel about you. Never. I won't.”

“No, no... not that... just... Hell, I don't know, I'm exhausted. We'll figure it out later. Right now, I want to eat and drink some coffee, see if I've got enough energy to take Tok back to his boat.”

The rest of the cabin occupants climbed down the deck and joined us around the fire. It was in that moment, as I looked and saw that Manu, Mei, Poln, and Hona all wore clothes, that I felt naked. I was naked. Not uncomfortable, exactly, but my nudity was perhaps out of place for what they expected. None stared, not at me or Bailey or Gale, but I was suddenly aware that my penis had risen a bit and pointed at Manu.

I think I blushed and turned away. Bailey looked at me oddly, then saw my penis rising, giggled and blushed herself. She sat and tried to crawl into a ball, but she did a poor job actually covering her nakedness. Gale was oblivious as she greeted the newcomers and hugged Manu tightly.

Everyone was soon seated, Gale serving hot bowls of soup, when I heard. “KOWL! KOWL!” The next thing I knew Keekah was throwing herself into my arms, holding me as tight as she could, kissing my cheek, my lips, running her head along my shoulder. “I worried! I worried all night! Bailey!”

Manu watched her daughter with curiosity as Keekah leapt from me and jumped into my young wife's arms, kissing and hugging her close. I don't think I've ever seen a more relieved, joyous reaction in my life. Keekah wouldn't let us go, had to hold our hands, hug us, touch us constantly, even as she downed a steaming bowl of Gale's soup. She was nude, like us, and paid no attention to the fact that that separated the newcomers from us.

Hakee had joined us for the meal, and Tok as well, and it was then that I realized the stowaway hadn't come to the fire. I finished a cup of coffee, told Gale, “the pale girl may not be able to climb out. I'll go check on her.”

Keekah called after me, “she still sleeping. I let her sleep.”

I climbed onto the deck and grabbed a flashlight, moved through the hatch. The teen lay shivering, her eyes open. I slowly approached her, speaking to her though I had no idea her native language. “S'ok sweetheart. You're cold. Come out into the warm morning. We've got hot soup that will get you going.” She looked at me a moment and seemed to consider it.

As I knelt down and placed my hand on her forehead, she leaned up and embraced me, whispered, “thank you... thank you...”

I held her, tried to warm her with my body, threw a blanket around us both. “Sure... sure... you speak English... I wasn't sure.”

Her voice was small and weak. “Yes... I'm from California... I... It was...” She started crying but no tears fell. She needed water, but for the moment, I was stuck holding her and keeping her warm. She finally continued. “My mom and dad... were missionaries... in French Polynesia... They... I lost them... I don't know... I just lost them... somewhere... are... are they here?”

I shook my head, whispered, “no, Sweetie. Not here, not on this island, anyway. But... we've got food, and water, and a fire. Clothes if you want them. We'll see that you get what you need while we figure out what to do, ok?”

She was no longer naked, had apparently been given a thick shirt and sweatpants that hung off her thin frame. She looked at me, then pulled back a moment, looked down at my naked groin, asked, “why don't you have clothes...”

“Um... well, that's a really long story. I've been on this island with three others for some months. We just... got used to not wearing clothes... I'll put some on if it makes you uncomfortable.”

She just stared at my penis for a moment, finally said, “I'm Amy.”

I ignored her attention to my nakedness and told her my name, asked if I could help her out of of the boat. She nodded but wouldn't let go of my neck.

I managed to turn around and get her onto my back, slowly climbing to the deck and then over the side. I settled her in my chair.

Gale was chatting with Manu and Hakee. Keekah beamed at me and ran over to hug me again. I kissed her properly this time, needing to express how much I cared for her, not caring what her family might think. Keekah was my family, now, and we'd just have to make sure that was understood.

Gale poured Amy a bowl of soup and I said, “everyone, this is Amy. She's from California, in the United States. That's where I'm from, too.”

She nodded weakly, said, “Hello,” and started downing the soup.

Gale looked quite surprised. “I had thought you must not speak English. I was talking to you all night but you didn't say anything.”

Amy looked tired, “yah... I know...”

Gale didn't push her, and settled back down next to Manu.

I asked, “Amy... how did you get on the boat? Do you remember?”

“Was an accident...” She swallowed a big gulp and looked longingly at the soup pot. Gale motioned her to help herself and she scooped another full bowl. “We were on some small island, my parents, me... there was shouting and guns and I lost them... I hid out for a few days but got hungry and found some boxes of bread and some kind of sweet orange fruits. I ate those, sleeping in an abandoned hut for several weeks. I looked everywhere for them... never found them...”

Amy finished her second bowl and looked to consider a third. “When the horrible bugs came, I tried to get off the island. I couldn't get the boat started, but I found that if I stayed down in it, the bugs didn't get me. So I hid there until men came and started filling it. I got behind a couple of boxes and waited. By the time we were moving off the island it was too late to get away. We stayed at one island for a few days and I only left the boat a couple of times. Then we left and came to a larger island.”

Gale conveyed Amy's story to the Hahonokoans who appeared astonished at her tale. Amy continued, “at first it wasn't too bad, but then my food ran out. I drank water that dripped down the boards but it wasn't enough. When the boat stopped and people started getting off, it was soon quiet and I got out and hid on another island. This one was smaller and I had to break coconuts with rocks to eat and drink. I started staying in the boat to avoid being caught. I was sleeping in it when they took off again. I don't know how long I was down there this time, but it felt like forever...”

“Twelve days or so, from what Manu said. My, you are a lucky one. And a strong one, too... You survived a very difficult journey.” Gale walked over and hugged her, kissed Amy's forehead. “Well, you're here now. We'll get you back to full strength and see where we go from there. You willing to help us here in exchange for that?”

Amy nodded and Gale kissed her forehead again.

Tok spoke up and Gale translated, “Tok says that he would like to go to the boat if you are ready, Kal.”

I nodded. Bailey said, “Should I go?”

I looked at the tiredness in her eyes, smiled at my lover, “Nah. We'll go check it out. I suspect he'll want to offload it back up here. Why don't you see that Amy gets lots of water and rest? She's still weak, be a good time to nap in the shade before it gets too hot.”

Bailey understood. I leaned in to her and kissed her deeply, whispered, “love you, Kitten. Be back soon.”

I saw Manu watching us out of the corner of my eye. I wondered what she was thinking. Whatever it was, Bailey was my wife, and I wasn't hiding that from anyone. “Gale, can you come with us? I might need some help in order to help Tok.”

“Sure. Keekah, can you get the fire reined in, things cleaned up? Bailey, when you have Amy helped to a nap, how about you and Keekah start teaching everyone how to fish and find food and fill water, where to void bowels. We're going to need everyone to stay busy for a while until we figure things out.”

The girls nodded, and the three of us set off to the East, the raft carried between us this time. Tok started speaking almost immediately. Gale said, “he asks how you got to the island, Kal. I've not had a chance to tell anyone much about us, but I did tell them a bit about how I got here.”

“You know everything, feel free to tell him.”

Gale spoke Maori a bit and I could tell there were many points where she had to find the wording. Maori and the language of the Hahonoko were sisters, but not exactly the same. Finally, she said to me, “He says the boat has supplies for them. Uhh... Kamm... Kamma... Oh, he says they brought trees, buildings... buildings? Yeah, buildings. Three of them. Also seeds and some food and... I don't know that word... hmm. Sorry. Dunno...”

Good. At least they seem to have come somewhat prepared. I'd considered that we could probably drag our old container back from my first camp site to use for shelter, but if they brought their own, we could use it instead for storing some of their goods.

On the walk, while Tok and I carried the raft, Gale walked ahead a bit, and I noticed that Tok couldn't take his eyes off the woman's naked body. Who could blame him? Gale's nice, mature curves were beautiful to watch, and I too let my mind stray to how good it felt to touch her, to fuck her. Tok's rigid, bouncing penis was obvious beneath his minimal cover, easily giving away what he was thinking.

We got to the boat to see that it was still in the same place, anchored fast and no lower in the water. We untied the rope from the tree, then got in the raft and paddled out, securing it to the boat once we were on deck. Tok immediately had the motor running, said something to Gale. “He said he is almost out of fuel. Hopes we can get it back to the camp.”

Tok paused a moment, cut off the motor, and went to the rail, pulled aside his covering, and began urinating over the side. Gale watched him pee a moment before it slowed and dripped. She shocked me by dropping down and taking his penis in her mouth, cleaning it. She laughed, said, “Keekah taught me that was polite!”

Tok grinned, said something that sounded thankful. Gale hadn't risen, was absently holding Tok's swelling cock. She looked at me as if to ask what I thought. I smiled and shrugged, leaned back against the railing.

Gale's head dropped down over Tok's large, dark penis. His shaft was long and slender, a large dark head crowning its length. Gale bobbed up and down, taking Tok deep in her throat, humming as she did so.

Tok held her head and fucked Gale's lips with his long cock, clearly savoring the unexpected pleasure. She rose and leaned against the steerage, looked at me and smiled.

Tok looked at me then, uncertainty on his face. I smiled and shrugged again, nodded toward Gale as if to give my approval. He didn't hesitate to take her hips in his hands and guided his throbbing dick into the woman's hairy pussy.

Gale let out a long moan as he penetrated her. Tok started to hump the woman, letting his penis fill her completely before pulling back and thrusting again. His ass clenched, his dark skin sweating as he fucked Gale. She grunted with each stroke. I got very hard watching them fuck. It had been a long time since I'd watched another man fuck a woman, and it was quite a turn on.

Gale climaxed around his cock, her ass clenching and rising up against his groin. Tok bellowed, grunted, and orgasmed into Gale's pussy, filling her with his seed.

Tok finally withdrew, a long heavy glob of semen flowing out of Gale's vagina and catching briefly in her pubes before dripping to the ground. Tok stepped back, grinned, laughed lightly. He wiped his brow dramatically and said some words which Gale repeated, “says that he had been a long time without that... now... Kal... you too?”

How could I resist? My cock was hard and ready by the time I took Gale's hips and slid into her sloppy pussy. Tok's cum squished out around my length as I penetrated the woman. Her messy cunt sloshed as I stroked quickly, building tension in my whole body.

Gale held herself still as I pounded into her, my cock swelling in her cunt, and in just a moment I was ejaculating strongly inside the woman. “Fuck... Gale... Uh... Uh... Uh... Uhhhhhhhhh...” I filled her with my load, adding to the mess between her legs.

I pulled back and saw Gale's messy, hairy cunt gape open, sperm sliding easily from her vagina. She stood up and shook herself, kissed me then kissed Tok. “Well... men... that was a first for me... I think... damn... damn... That was a good fucking...”

Tok's dark skin was flushed and he kissed Gale back as strongly as I had. He'd clearly enjoyed himself. He wiped his penis on his cloth and cranked the anchor back to the boat and returned to steerage.

Gale and I sat along the railing and she absently stroked my cock, and as the boat started moving, said to me, “you ok with that? I'm guessing you were since you came so quick...”

I grinned, “yeah, that was hot, to be sure. I liked watching Tok fuck you. I'm ok with whatever. You certainly don't need my permission.”

“I know, just... we've been close and it's just been the four of us for a long time... wasn't sure how you might feel about... well, about the newcomers, some of them anyway... you know, if I wanted to do... something like that...”

“Gale, you are a free spirit and wonderful woman and I hope you are always in my life, but the world just got a little bit bigger and a little bit smaller all at once for us, we gotta take the good points along with the not so good.”

“What about you? And Bailey? Talked about that yet?”

“Hadn't even crossed my mind, really. I'm more worried about how they might react to... her age. And Keekah... But beyond that... I dunno. I'll let that happen when it happens. If Bailey isn't perfectly ok with anything... new, I'm not interested either. She's the person I care about most, not meaning to undervalue you or Keekah, but... you know what I mean.”

Gale smiled, “Don't worry, Kal, I really do. I know how lucky I am to have you, as much of you as I have, and though I think Keekah sometimes wishes she had you to herself, she loves Bailey dearly and understands, too. Do what you think is right, and don't risk what you have with Bailey. As for me... since you're not jealous, right...?”

I shrugged, “depends on if you cut me off. Then... I might be jealous.” I laughed and she joined me.

She snuggled up as we made the slow turn back toward the West and our camp. Gale kissed my neck and whispered, “We'll be ok. Big changes, not our little close family anymore. But we'll be ok. Don't you think?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure it will be ok.” I swallowed my fears of the bugs that had destroyed other islands and kissed her forehead. “We'll do what we can and we'll be ok.”

End of Chapter 34

Read Chapter 35